Balzar Beskow has made furniture for the contract market since the start in 1957. We still produce the furniture at our own factory in Mönsterås, Sweden. Through the years we have accumulated a great deal of knowledge that we share to help our costumers so that they get the most out of their furniture and facilities when they furnish them.
We are a family owned company which puts the customer first and upholds a high quality on our products. In the cases where the standard measurements and/or specifications of our products aren´t enough we will always try to accommodate the customers needs if it can be done technically and at a reasonable cost.
Swedish craftsmanship, quality and choice of materials used are important starting points for us. This is why we since the start work with independent designers who have their roots in craftsmanship, tradition and quality. We strive to meet the needs of our customers and design and build our furniture to last through demanding use in daily life.
Balzar Beskow is and will continue to be a part in spreading the Swedish design. We will continue to work for sustainability both in the products and how we affect the environment. We will, as in the past, as well as in the future work with talented independent designers. Well designed, durable wooden furniture shall be synonymous with Balzar Beskow.
Durability has always been a key word when we make furniture. If we can make the furniture last for many years when our customers use them we will have used the materials and resources well. This sets high standards for the design, to stand the test of time with the shape and for the materials and techniques that we use, so the furniture can be renovated and finally recycled.
Kunnande och nyfikenhet krävs i tillverkningen för att förbättra och minska förbrukningen av resurser. Vi är certifierade enligt ISO 14001 sedan hösten 2011. Vi har även påbörjat processen med att miljömärka delar av sortimentet till att börja med. Dessa åtgärder är ett led i att formalisera det arbete som vi sedan länge gjort för att ständigt förbättra vår miljöpåverkan.