The inspiration behind Circular stems from a sustainability mindset that embraces the reuse and recycling of waste materials from the paper industry. By utilizing waste from the production of plywood tubes, typically used for punching tools, the Circular series breathes new life into these materials.
By utilizing waste from the production of plywood tubes, typically used for die-cutting tools, the Circular series breathes new life into these materials.
The round shape and recycled materials create an aesthetically appealing and simultaneously eco-friendly piece of furniture. The ingenuity of the Circular series lies in illustrating how simple circular thinking can lead to new and exciting possibilities for reuse within the furniture industry.
Circular has a seat height of 450 mm and is available in diameters of 420 mm, 540 mm, and 700 mm. The legs comes in different wood types and colors. It is also available in multiple textiles and leather options.